不 過懂得慚愧,也總比那些錯了也不知悔過的人好。在江湖中有很多「禮義廉」派之門人,戴著虛假的面具渾水摸魚。所謂「禮義廉」,無恥也。他們的教義為: (一)衰嘢唔怕做,只要冇人知道;(二) 假如被揭發,要扮九唔搭八。他們犯錯時,不會正視自己的問題,相反地,會揭盡所能去掩飾、隱瞞,試圖用紙包住火。有睇麥太教煮餸的朋友都 知,紙係用來包雞的,不是包火,真是沒有一點常識!他們經過長久以來的鍛鍊,面部皮膚已煉至幾丈厚,講大話時亦無需眨眼,務求達到騙人兼騙己的最高境界。 對於這些人,師傅有這樣的看法:「Truth is light… it has to be transparent… absolutely clear-cut. This secrecy business can be only with thugs and mafia and things like that… because they are afraid of the statutes of God… of His laws… that’s why it is a secret (Lethargy – Chelsham Road 800809). They’ll hide from the man with whom they are connected, and just do… secretly… this is not good… they are deceiving themselves… and they are deceiving another person. Deception this is not freedom (Guru Puja Pt 3, Dollis Hill (Q&A) 791202).」
另一類人,雖然行得正企得正,但卻諸多顧慮,事事隱瞞。「隱形俠」可說是其中的表表者。他總讓人看到最好的一面,並且說話甜美,在武林中人緣很好。驟眼看起來,隱形俠的確近乎完美,因為他把一切負面的東西都隱形掉了。但相處久了,難免令人感到有點虛假、有點不真實。有一次隱形俠在華山論劍時敗於「絕代雙蕉」手下,當時直腸直肚之任我痕諗住話埋去安慰吓佢,點知都未開口,隱形俠已經隱咗形,嚇得任大俠以為自己撞邪,立即拔劍耍咗成套「辟邪劍法」出嚟。師傅聽聞任我痕傻呼呼喺山頭攞住把劍係咁舞,於是千里傳音向他及尚在其身邊但隱咗形嘅隱形俠說: 「...you are Sahaja Yogis. It’s a different race. All over the world this race has to come up. So we have to build up ourselves, in One group, in One understanding. Absolute unison… There should be no secrets, no domination, everything should articulate. Everyone should talk to each other; Everyone should know what is happening with the other. You have to be absolutely frank – open – with each other. Absolutely. Tell them your problems: ‘I catch on this, what should I do? How to clear it out?’ Not to feel shy. We have to enjoy ourselves. Also enjoy our weaknesses, so that we clear them out. Laugh it out. That’s the best way to do it. 」 (V 5. no 30. Nov 85. p13 ──不知道來源是否Divine Cool Breeze)
聽罷,隱形俠突然現番形(任我痕又被他嚇多一嘢,不斷喺度Jai Jagadambe),坐在草地上冥想起來。他想起笑俠經 常霎時輝筆寫道:「不要判斷其他人,你怎判斷別人,上帝也會怎樣判斷你。」他終於明白到原來自己之所以如此驟忌讓人知道他的弱點、這麼在意別人的看法(所 以要經常討好他人),是因為自己心底裡也經常判斷別人(雖然沒有說出口),同時也過不了“自己嗰關”。這關正是額輪嗰關,我們必須戰勝Vanity(虛榮 / 自負) ──額輪之大敵,方可修成正果。 因為,the world is our mirror. “ The good we find in others, is in us too. The faults we find in others are our faults as well.” ( http://brissybliss.blogspot.com/2006/09/world-is-our-mirror.html)
字 條上寫著師傅的一番教誨:「What is secret in Nature… have you seen anything? See the ocean, the flowers… the best is open… absolutely the whole Brahma, the whole truth is open… if it is not open it is not truth. If it is hidden how can it be the truth? (Lethargy – Chelsham Road 800809). You must be open hearted… no secretiveness (What are we inside 800809); If it is freedom, it should be open… why is there secrecy about it? (Guru Puja Pt 3, Dollis Hill (Q&A) 791202).」
吳大俠讀了字條後,一直緊閉的心靈得到解放,頓時心花怒放,並跟任我痕一起上山拜師。師傅見吳求 道心切,愚子可教,並看出他這隱秘行徑的部份原因乃來自其conditionings(思想制約),於是贈了他幾句:「When it is conditioning, you are in doubts, with this kind of fear... that 'I shouldn't do like this'... 'I shouldn't do like that'... 'this is not allowed'... 'that is not allowed'... that is the conditioning part of it, and can be of many types (980510 Meditation is the only way, Sahastrara, Cabella); Conditioning has to go... has to be reduced as much as possible (821231 Ganesha Puja, Kolapur); Conditionings kill joy, and must be cleared out (960505 We must feel responsible, Sahastrara, Cabella).
Give up all superstitions, fanaticisms, and fears... nothing can harm us now... whatever is gone, is gone... is finished - the leaves that fall from the tree don't rise again, and get attached to the tree; What is new that is coming in, is to be nurtures - is the Joy... that dignified, majestic beauty within ourselves. Then we don't get upset, we are not bothered what others say... and others will see that dignity (800517.1 Old Arlesford, Whinchester pt 1 - Preparation for Becoming).」吳聽後不再受其思想之制約,無思慮一身輕,終於得到了真正的解脫和自由。阿彌陀佛,善哉,善哉。
Moral of the stories:
- 「君子坦蕩蕩,小人長戚戚」
- 出來行走江湖,最好識多啲英文,否則高人千里傳音又好,兜口兜面袋錢入你袋都好,冇Nicam收唔到,就認真徙料矣。(不過當然,在能量層面而言,只要有純粹的願望,在無思慮狀態下一樣咁得,得咗。)
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