Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Teacher Vs. Guru

Below is something I received through email recently. It's too beautiful not to be shared. Hope you'll enjoy it too.

A teacher takes responsibility of your growth;
A guru makes you responsible for your growth.

A teacher gives you things you do not have and require;
A guru takes away things you have and do not require.

A teacher answers your questions;
A guru questions your answers.

A teacher helps you get out of the maze;
A guru destroys the maze.

A teacher requires obedience and discipline from the pupil;
A guru requires trust and humility from the pupil.

A teacher clothes  you and prepare you for the outer journey;
A guru strips you naked and prepares you for the inner journey.

A teacher is a guide on the path;
A guru is a pointer to the way.

A teacher sends  you on the road to success;
A guru sends you on the road to freedom.

A teacher explains the world and its nature to you;
A guru explains yourself and your nature to you.

A teacher makes you understand how to move about in the world;
A guru shows you where you stand in relation to the world.

A teacher gives you knowledge and boosts your ego;
A guru takes away your knowledge and punctures you ego.

A teacher instructs you;
A guru constructs you.

A teacher sharpens your mind;
A guru opens your mind.

A teachers shows you the way to prosperity;
A guru shows the way to serenity.

A teacher reaches your mind;
A guru touches your soul.

A teacher gives you knowledge;
A guru makes you wise.

A teacher gives you maturity;
A guru returns you to innocence.

A teacher instructs you on how to solve problems;
A guru shows you how to resolve issues.

A teacher is a systematic thinker;
A guru is a lateral thinker.

A teacher will punish you with a stick;
A guru will punish you with compassion.

A teacher is to pupil what a father is to a son;
A guru is to pupil what a mother is to her child.

One can always find a teacher;
But a guru has to find and accept you.

A teacher leads you by the hand;
A guru leads you by example.

When a teacher finishes with you, you graduate;
When a guru finishes with you, you celebrate.

When the course is over, you are thankful to the teacher;
When the discourse is over, you are grateful to the guru.

Thursday, June 11, 2009




「其實她當時以為只是今生今世的事。」天竺的師兄靜雞雞說。那真是中招中足七世了! 哀哉,哀哉。
「七生七世算得上甚麼?! 倘若你是師傅配婚的,那是直到永遠的!」某位師兄唯恐天下不亂,激動地叫嚷。但聽他的語氣卻隱藏著絲絲的恐懼與無奈,因為他自己也是配婚的,哈哈(在下也只好苦笑)。


備註:以上對話並不代表本站立場,站長認為其實夫婦都深愛對方,只是口頭上不肯承認而已。這種矛盾而反覆的關係,便是所謂的婚姻,也是習武之人最難過的其中一關! (其實在下認為,連今世嗰啲騎哩騷都未搞得掂,無謂諗到下世咁長遠啦,都係活在當下此刻穩陣啲。)

Tuesday, June 02, 2009









很多非武林人士得靠飲酒來麻醉自己,方可在社交場合與陌生人交際。但眾所周知,酒能亂性,除了傷肝之外,更影響注意力,有礙功力的提升,更嚴重的甚至功力盡失,是習武者之大忌也。因此,武林中人以茶代酒。獨個兒嘆茶時,很禪;集體嘆茶時,很和諧。而嘆茶亦逐漸演變成為我們的tea ceremony。每次bhajan practice之前,大家總是花上一大段時間喝茶聊天,有時甚至喝茶比練歌的時間更長,有點喧賓奪主,對於各人出席的真正目的是為了茶還是音樂引起了爭議。而聚會後,大家又會以喝茶為由,留連在客廳中久久未能出鞘(又稱磨爛蓆)。 其實醉翁之意不在酒,而磨爛蓆之意亦不在茶。
