自從寫完了畢業論文之後,實在是有重獲新生的感覺。突然多出了很多時間,去做以往一直想做但沒空做的事情,譬如說學彈結他 、游山玩水 、做運動......等等。雖然以前都會久不久偷懶一下,但總是帶著罪疚感,不曾真正放鬆。現在終於回復自由了,特別想多放點注意力在靈性升進方面。最近讀了《The Light of the World》這本書,當中師傅談及以下一段內容:「The other reason for the deterioration of the Agnya Chakra lies in the manner in which you work. If you overwork then you become work-conscious. The work that you are doing may be good, but then, if it is beyond the normal level, be it over-reading, over-stitching or over-thinking, it will spoil the Agnya Chakra. The reason is that while you overwork, you forget God. During the course of such work, God-consciousness does not stabilize in you.」原來當我們過份專注於某件事情,不管是好是壞也會影響我們的額輪。在下過去幾年都只顧著寫論文,這個額輪有排清了!
最近跟幾位大俠討論靈性升進的問題,都發覺大家較著重horizontal growth(傳揚霎哈嘉),而疏忽了自己的vertical growth (becoming deeper and higher through meditation)。試想像假如我們的身形也一樣不斷打横發展,而沒有增高,那成何體統?!有見及此,我們建議在集體program完了以後留下來,分組進行集體潔淨,提高我們的vibratory awareness,並平日在家裡多看師傅的演講和內省。效果很不錯。希望我們都能夠堅持下去,直至大家都establish了doubtless awareness為止。
hi EB....finally i manage to read your blog..coz i use the translate button...
although the translation is a bit funny...but at least i know what u hv been up to...hehe
Hello Yen. I'm not sure if it'd make sense with the translation as I tend to use a lot of Cantonese slangs. I saw some photos of your yuvas seminar and it seemed like a wonderful event and that everyone enjoyed themselves.
well...it's extremely funny after the translation...probably won't get the full meaning..but got the overall picture...
yes...it was great...we will be organising National Seminar soon in June coinciding with Dr.Arun Apte's visit...come and join us...
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