Tuesday, March 16, 2010


自從師傅於兩個多月前發信給各國領袖* World Council 、並於全球各國council實施35年制度之後澳洲多個集體已先後有系統地選出了新的council接班人。這些轉變亦象徵了新世代的來臨。


自此之後, 這邊多個programs都突然有了很好的進展,來了很多充滿熱誠的新人,一切都在轉變中。 我們的集體亦變得越來越團結,想出了很多新的點子,希望可以在有限的時間內,讓更多人得到自覺。比如說我們的“Highway to realisation" projectGochi負責設計了廣告牌,放在人流多的地區,希望看到的人在不自覺中得到自覺,或藉此引起他們的興趣,到我們的網頁了解更多有關霎哈嘉瑜伽的知識。正所謂團結就是力量, 一切都進展得很順利。希望那些因為種種因素而還未採取行動的leaders能盡早聽取師傅的指引,重新選舉出新的council members,以免礙著萬物更新

Billboard project的籌款箱

廣告牌上寫著:“Mother, please give me my self-realisation."還有我們的網址。

*註:師傅於今年1月3日和1月6日先後發出兩封信,內容主要是宣佈所有world council的職位被終止,其所有職務將由national council負責,而各地的council member若任期滿3至5年亦需退位,重新選出新的council成員。


radha said...

ciao eu,it looks very cool!!! happy w.end!!!!

Joyce said...
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Joyce said...
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Anonymous said...

Dear Blogger

I went to the Swan web site, but there’s no any mention about the letters?? And the web site still has the lists from the “The World Council for the Advancement of Sahaja Yoga.” Here’s is the links. http://www.sahajayoga.org/worldcouncil/default.asp

If the letters is authentic, it needs to be known by this site.


eb大俠 said...

Good question anonymous person. That's something you need to ask a world councillor maybe. I am not posting the letters here, probably for the same reason why you are not leaving your name here. But if you send me an email identifying who you are (like the previous person did), I am happy to forward you the letters sent to me by the Australian council. It's really not a secret and a lot of collectives have been informed about them and have taken actions.

eb大俠 said...

Good question anonymous person. That's something you need to ask a world councillor maybe. I am not posting the letters here, probably for the same reason why you are not leaving your name here. But if you send me an email identifying who you are (like the previous person did), I am happy to forward you the letters sent to me by the Australian council. It's really not a secret and a lot of collectives have been informed about them and have taken actions.