在下在武林中有幸見識到一些真真正正的領導人才。他們默默耕耘,只著眼於為集體效力,而不會濫用權力、耍手段、搞政治。他們非常謙卑,並低調得你根本不會知道是誰在帶領整個集體。記得有一次Papaji在澳洲住了數個月後,大讚澳洲的領袖說 “to lead without leading, is the real leadership”。相比之下,那些不務正業,卻只顧拿著數的大俠,或者應該稱他們為“jetso member”比較適合(註:jetso在廣東話是著數,即甜頭的意思。)
不過話說回來,在下並沒有當過甚麼領導層,所以是很難理解他們的苦處的。也許當我被放進同一處境下,也會同樣做出一些令人側目、或射喱眼、或反白眼的事情也不一定,所以還是不要諸多批評。不如有建設性點,在這裡和大家分享一些有用的資料。在澳洲當“council member”或“coordinator”是要遵從一套守則,而並非任由他們自把自為的。以下是守則的其中數項(內容不便盡錄),希望所有武林人士(不論你是council member與否),都盡力做到最好,莫負師傅所望:
- There needs to be "vibrational understanding, clarity and depth of understanding" which is linked to a capacity and capability to get things done. The Councillor has a crucial responsibility to ensure the operational aspect of Sahaja Yoga are conducted in an efficient manner, within a budget and winning majority collective support.
- The Coordinator must be a deep Yogi and focused upon their meditations and spiritual life and also interested in the mundane aspects involved in working for Sahaja Yoga, and getting jobs done. For this role the two go hand in hand.
- The Coordinator must be "respected" by the Collective, that they give respect to everyone, which is usually the way it is earned. They must command respect, not demand it. They are not known to spread gossip and rumours, or are overtly 'political'. They attend collective programs, there is an aspect of being with the collective and assessable, attend Pujas.
- The Coordinator in all that they do they express Sahaja culture, love, respect, brotherhood/sisterhood, to sum it up that if Shri Mataji was observing them, She would be pleased with their behaviour.
- The Coordinator should be circumspect and humble, there should not be any driving ambition, nor strong Ego, the wish to be heard, to be seen, or to be listened to, this is something to avoid. They should also be able to work with, and get along with all of the Council and to strengthen the collectivity.
Actually, every yogis are leaders, leaders of their own spirituality, lead their own spiritual growth!
That is very true. But when it comes to the mundane side of things, we'll have to rely on our leaders or coordinators to do a decent job to keep the collective going.
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