有人問:「人為什麼要說謊?」師傅說:「People lie because they do not know the power of the truth.」中文翻譯過來的意思是:「人們之所以撒謊,是因為他們並不懂得真理的力量。」
聽說愛恩斯坦是realised soul。他除了IQ爆棚之外,其靈性方面也是十分evolved的。例如他曾說過:「My religion consists of a humble admiration of the illimitable superior spirit who reveals himself in the slight details we are able to perceive with our frail and feeble mind. 」還有:「Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind. 」
有人問:「人為什麼要說謊?」師傅說:「People lie because they do not know the power of the truth.」中文翻譯過來的意思是:「人們之所以撒謊,是因為他們並不懂得真理的力量。」