- 愛吃的人一天到晚只想著吃,一旦病倒了食慾不振,竟要求大家別在他面前再提個「吃」字。
- 當打開窗想呼吸一口新鮮空氣時,突然一陣沙塵從樓下正在裝修的單位吹過來,弄得一面灰。
- 經過一輪深思熟慮,終於決定了起程的日子,才發現航班已經爆滿!
- 放假想在家裡relax一下,樓上居然朝九晚五的在用電鑽鑽牆,要逃回公司工作。
歡迎閣下蒞臨「霎哈嘉武林」,與在下切磋武藝,鑽研霎哈嘉超凡武學。EB是我的名字、佢的姓氏,也可以是Eternal Bliss的簡稱,兩個字母,多重意思。至於「eb大俠」,乃在下闖蕩江湖之藝名也,絕對有可能是浪得虛名。無論如何,歡迎出招賜教......
1 comment:
There's no guarantee that everything will turn out exactly the way you want it to, but there IS a guarantee that it cannot possibly do so if you are not even take the chance.
"Nothing ventured, nothing gained" is not just a nifty old-time saying. It's wisdom.
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