Monday, September 04, 2006

The world is our mirror

The good we find in others, is in us too.
The faults we find in others are our faults as well.
After all, to recognize something we must know it.
The possibilities we see in others are also there in us;

The beauty we see around us is our beauty.
The world around us is only a reflection;
the mirror is showing us who we are.

To change our world, we must change ourselves.
To blame and complain will only make matters worse.
Whatever we care about, is our responsibility.
What we see in another shows us our own self.

See the best in others, and we will be our best.
Give to others, and we give to our own self.
Appreciate beauty, and we will be beautiful.
Admire creativity, and we will be creative.

Love and we will be loved.
Seek to understand, and then we will be understood.
Listen first, and then our voice will be heard.
Teach, and only then we will learn.

- Unknown Author


霎眼間又一年了!還記得去年這個時候你正在做甚麼嗎?我記得,因為我在結婚--霎哈嘉的婚禮。那是個使我畢生難忘的經歷,感覺很神聖,實質上也是很神聖。能夠得到Shri Mataji的blessing我感到萬分榮幸,實在幾生修到!

婚 姻對於一個人的成長實在很重要,尤其是霎哈嘉的婚姻。你的伴侶就有如一面鏡子,讓你看清楚自己的真正面貌,而從相處之中,把彼此間的菱角磨滑。我覺得自從 結婚以後,我的靈性昇進才正式起步。假如兩夫婦能互補不足,配合得恰到好處的話,就如楊過+小龍女使出玉女劍法,天下無敵,又何須煉「黯然消魂掌」呢! 但相反若二人無法合而為一,隨時會導致走火入魔,輕則五觀移位、武功全失,重則經脈盡斷、吐血身亡。相信曾經闖盪江湖、或中過情花毒的人,或多或少也受過 類似的內傷,以致元氣大傷,即使閉關七七四十九日運功療傷也未必能恢復十成功力。所以說,婚姻大事,絕非講玩,還是交託給師傅定奪為上策。

這 一年內在霎哈嘉的體會實在很多,心裡與Shri Mataji之間亦建立了更深層的聯繫。其實霎哈嘉的內功心法,一字記之曰「愛」。此心法看似簡單,卻極其奧妙,要參透這個「愛」字又談何容易! 雖說一字咁淺,難就難在實踐。必須要每天勤於修煉,誠心祈求,但願終有一天能修成正果,咁就阿彌陀佛! 善哉,善哉。